Frequently Asked Questions
Regent Coffee offers free shipping when you purchase two or more 12oz bags of our roasted coffee beans. This shipping courtesy does not extend to glassware of any kind.
Coffee Beans: The order will be fulfilled on the next Tuesday or Friday, whichever comes first, and will be delivered at longest 3-4 business days after the fulfillment date.
Subscriptions: See Regent's Production Schedule. Shipping will always be 3-4 business days after fulfillment dates.
Glassware, Merchandise, and Gear: Hikaru can ship within two weeks. Other times may vary depending on vendor availability (PureOver, Saint Anthony, Ecolatte Art)
Coffee Roasting Schedule:
We will be roasting our premium coffee beans every Monday and Thursday. This means you can expect the freshest coffee on these days, as we dedicate our efforts to bring you the best flavors.
Coffee Bean Orders Fulfillment:
Coffee orders will be dispatched on the following days following our roasting production days (Monday and Thursday).
Coffee Brewing Schedule Updates:
Regent brews and bottles our bourbon barrel-aged cold brew every first week of the month. Stay in the loop and check our brewing schedule updates! By month's end, we will post the upcoming brewing schedule via Instagram. Simply follow us @regentcoffee to receive the latest updates on our coffee beans and cold brew offerings.
Barrel-Aged Cold Brew Coffee Fulfillment:
Bourbon barrel-aged cold brew orders will be dispatched after the first week of the month following our brewing/bottling production days (see above).
Combined Orders Fulfillment:
For orders that include both coffee beans and cold brew bottles, they will be fulfilled following our cold brew schedule. This streamlined process ensures that you receive one shipment.
Monthly Subscription Fulfillment: All orders placed will be fulfilled in the first week of the following month, continuing on a monthly basis. To qualify for the next month’s shipment, orders must be placed at least two days before the end of the month. This ensures we have enough time to roast and prepare for shipping.
Bi-weekly Subscription Fulfillment: All orders placed will be fulfilled the next Tuesday or Friday after the order date and repeated on a biweekly basis from there.
Subscription Questions
Manage your Account:
1. Click the "Account" button on the top right of the site. Log in with the email you have on file with us. (tip: this is the email you get notifications from us, and may be the email address you have attached to your "Shop" account)
2. Under the Subscription > "Next Order" tab or Subscription > "Subscriptions" tab
3. Click either "Manage next order" or "Manage subscription"
Changes you can make:
1. Edit Address
2. Edit Payment information
3. Pause Subscription
4. Change Subscription
Use the Subscription menu to navigate the following choices:
Subscribe and Save 10%: This can apply to Signature Blend coffee beans, bottled cold brew, and pour over packs on a biweekly or monthly basis. The 10% applies to the price of the product, and free shipping is not included in this offering.
Roaster's Choice Series: Get 2 12 oz bags, 4 80 g, or 12oz of individual pour over packs every month with free shipping.