Coffee and How It Is Grown


Many may wonder how coffee comes about from the ground to the coffee cup hence the reason for this article. Let us get to it right away.

Do you know that coffee is extracted from two major fruits which are Coffea Robusta and Coffea Arabica (botanical names)? The Coffea Arabica is most delightful of all as it has more of a discrete flavor, as well as enriching quality unlike the bitter taste, got from the Coffea Robusta.

Coffea Arabica rates over 70% of coffee supply in the globe, but on the other hand, certain cultures have begun to find interest as well as favor the Coffea Robusta alongside a blend of both coffee species to generate a special essence.

Coffee beans can be cultivated in only tropical areas within regions flanked by the Tropic of Capricorn and Cancer known to be called the bean belt. Coffee bean plants are perennial shrubs and get to grow as high as twenty feet in height with the presence of their shiny and broad leaves which are less complex in looks with white flowers with look-alike with those found in citrus crops. After a period of time, these flowers get to pave the way for the coffee bean to blossom into green like pebbles which gradually turn yellow then orange and finally red which marks the time of harvest and then dry out.  

The process of getting the coffee beans to end up in your cup requires having to pass through quite a series of production and dispensation steps. Usually, the green coffee beans get to be picked for the use of the hand as they get to germinate in tiny nuggets though the tree is quite big and thick often cultivated in rainforest regions which make mechanical harvest an infrequent method which could possibly create harvest flaws on the coffee beans during the process. After the coffee beans have been picked, they are spread out in the open to dry out while milling follows next.

All dried out, the coffee beans get to pass through the next phase which could either be done by a dry or wet method. If going by the wet technique, the introduction of a large quantity of water is used to isolate the good coffee beans from the bad coffee beans as well as taken of the skin around the beans. The wet method is considered as an erroneous ecological technique as it is seen as a pollutant.

On the other hand, the dry technique which is highly advised is carried out by spreading out the coffee beans on a large solid platform with direct contact with the sun. They are afterward pulverized and hulled. This technique actually goes a long way in extracting its richer flavors but during which, care must be taken as it could make the coffee bean frail if over dried and mold into a cake like form if not properly dried out.  

Finally, the coffee beans are milled to take out the remaining fruit from the bean pod, sorted, graded and finally transported across the globe. This phase marks the roasting of the coffee beans to extract its flavors.